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Advanced diagnostics

We offer advanced bronchoscopic techniques and therapeutic procedures such as EBUS, video bronchoscope, medical thoracoscope, etc. Count on us for affordable cutting edge diagnostics.



We provide comprehensive allergy care to adults and children, offering a holistic approach to the diagnosis and management of a wide range of respiratory allergic disorders.



We provide a range of non-invasive, painless tests (Spirometry, 6 min walk test, and FeNO) to accurately identify and evaluate your condition ensuring we provide the most timely, effective treatment.


Interstitial lung disease (ILD)

Correction in ILD – Our team with ILD patients to develop customized, comprehensive care plans and improve their quality of life.


Lung cancer

Our multidisciplinary team is beneficial in times of complex treatment protocols involving multiple therapies. Your care is coordinated, so that you receive the treatment that’s right.


We help you understand and gain control of your asthma, so you enjoy a healthy lifestyle. We provide treatment, support, education and self-management skills to asthma patients.

Book a Consulting Session

Experience Wide Range of
Healing and Therapy Services